Friday, August 19, 2011

Google Reader For Android Honeycomb Tablets

Google Reader For Android Honeycomb Tablets   
Rss Reader application on Tablet honeycomb is still quite a bit. Google's formal application was at that time was not yet optimized for display tablet. A handful of applications such as JustReader pretty good, but when tested up to the last update, there are still bugs that feed list is not complete because the time display error.
Yesterday, Google finally launched the updated Google Reader for Honeycomb. Obviously this is very good news for gadget lovers tablets of Android. And what about the performance and features, does as good as with other third party apps? 

Finally, the recent appearance of this application in split into 2 parts which would facilitate navigation readings. The initial view is similar to its appearance on the web version, this application displays Highlights from the latest news of the day. The format is quite neatly arranged with three rows for each news source.

Tracing the more details, Google Reader now provides the flexibility to read the news without closing the list of news stands beside left. You can read more specific to the category label to label one another. For those that are in the stars and dishared, you can see it specifically in the left pane of this application.

Furthermore, when you go to one label, then, display the left channel turned into a source list on the label. To make it easier again, select one of the news on the label, then the position of the left canal turned into a list of news and the right side displays the details of the selected news.

To do the sharing or star the news, simply select the option at the top detail of news, then a friend or relative who is connected to google reader will see the sharing news from you. Besides these two options there and keep Like unread and other options such as tag, note, send, new items, mark all as read and sort news. Features Note is a feature for sharing notes for the share to the follower, while the feature Send to divide the news links to social networks, or can also use email, sms, bluetooth and sent to Google Docs. To send feature, it depends on the applications installed on your tablet, for example, if no application on Facebook Tablet, it also does not display the Send feature Facebook. 

To add a new feed, there is a + button. New Subscription can be done directly in this application. You can choose to add the rss feeds by address, track keywords, list the status of social networks, or choose a web news reader google already provided in the Browse panel

In addition to the above features, news on Google Reader synchronization is very good, with no news of any stray or wrong time.

Behind the above advantages, it is still no shortage of that block in the heart: D. Inspired from third-party applications to google reader for iPad named Reeder. This application has the advantage when the news appeared on the application is simply a piece of incomplete alias. In Reeder, all of the news pieces can be viewed directly on the details of the application with features Readable. Greatly accelerates the reading rather than having to browse the website through the browser as is done by this latest Google Reader.

In addition to the above features, news on Google Reader synchronization is very good, with no news of any stray or wrong time.

I wonder if Google's not forget update or intentionally, Widget on Google Reader is still the same as the old, not as expected. For example, such as News Widget List that can be scrollin, this widget is very helpful readings as well as beautify the Home Screen.


Official application from Google is an option only for Rss reader Honeycomb leave applications to the three-party reader that there are still bugs. Some shortcomings such as Widgets, and throw readings to the browser could be fixed in next update.


     Perfect synchronization news
     The panel split as expected
     Features are fairly complete


     Widget old boring
     The toss is disturbing news to the browser

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