Thursday, August 11, 2011

Starblitz for Android - Game Perang Antariksa Yang Menantang

Space war game this one is quite interesting to play. StarBlitz for Android, we try to play on the Tablet Honeycomb from Samsung and went very smoothly. 

StarBlitz theme of outer space war game. Its mission is quite simple, you just simply destroying as many enemy planes as possible. By destroying enemy planes, you'll get the Iridium, which can be used as money to buy equipment upgrades.
Starblitz use the Control Stick to run the virtual plane. While the right hand side, there are other stick to control the direction of the shot. 

  Each destroy enemy aircraft, you also gain experience which can raise levels of ups and also raise interesting Health and unlock items, such as weapons, and new types of aircraft.

In addition to gain experience, which destroyed enemy aircraft dropped a varying number of Iridium. Iridium is useful to be exchanged for money for shopping in the Store. If already collected a lot, do not forget to drop the Iridium in the Collector. Because if not forget, iridium is not dropped there, will not be counted if you destroyed the aircraft.

Anything that can be purchased StarBlitz Store this game?. One example is the powerups, these items can add your aircraft's Health crisis. Another example of such a category Gun, here there are many weapons to choose from. The types of aircraft are also available in the Store to be purchased. But not all of these items are available for purchase directly, because it is still locked, to open it, you should get a lot of experience, or raise the level or get it by accident while fighting.

Wingman is a companion aircraft during combat. To initially you are only given a wingman. Well to add, you have to find friends on facebook, Law and play together.

There are many levels to choose from, each level has its own enemy difficulty. In addition to the next level, you can also switch from Galaxy to Galaxy the other one.
To two possible weapons in this game, you can buy weapons to the 2 and replace it anytime during the battle.

This game has a pretty good creativity. With a variety of interesting items that can be found suddenly in the fighting. Control plane is also very easy to do. Each level has its challenges, so you can't get bored quickly.

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